This road landscape design was commissioned by the Prefecture of Rethymno, Crete in accordance with the No 5/2/18-03-2003 decision, the No 31-10-2005 1st contract and the No 06/03/2008 2nd contract. The planting design referred to the segment of the road from the kilometer position 2+220.00 to the kilometer position 10+487.64.According to the landscape analysis, the proposed road would run through a variety of vegetation types. The aim of the design was to integrate these types into the existing landscape and to create a new one perfectly compatible with the existing surroundings. The planting proposal presented a composition of trees and shrubs in a variety of height, color, and forms.
Along the road turns, the planting was carefully designed in order not to obstruct the driver, but to warn him of any obstacles. While, specific areas were not planted in order to protect the sightline.
Slopes of trenches: For a better aesthetic and functional result, the proposal aimed at hydro seeding for faster restoration and protection of the soil surface.
Slopes of embankments: The planting of trees was proposed in areas dominated by tall vegetation and where the slopes were not very steep. A mixture of trees and shrubs was proposed for the areas dominated by this type of vegetation. The planting of slopes with shrubs was proposed in order to protect the embankment from erosion.
Landscape Restoration
Rethymno, Crete
2005, 2008