The project was about the landscape design of a model school garden dedicated to agricultural practices, to be established at the premises of the Technological Educational Institute of Epirus, Arta, nearby the department of Floriculture and Landscape Architecture.
The design concept was to introduce young children to new ecological farming practices and to make the farming sector more attractive to them for their future.
The garden was divided into two sections. The first and largest part of the school vegetable garden was devoted to the cultivation activities for the children of high school. The central element of the composition was the water (in the form of a lake and irrigation channels), where various techniques of water pumping and irrigation were presented. Two open spaces for education and leisure were designed and equipped with wooden kiosks and platforms, in order to host various events. Linear flower beds were placed along the canals for the cultivation of vegetables and annual plants. In more remote places, composting areas and a small greenhouse. were created. Along the central path, experimental crops of fruit trees were proposed. Cultivation and transplanting machines were placed at various nodal points. The garden was fenced with vines from local varieties of grapes.
At the second and smallest section of the garden, a vegetable garden was designed for the primary children. Crop cultivation learning was combined with games. For this reason, a significant part of the garden was devoted to toys from natural materials (tree trunks) as well as constructions in relation to crops (Box Towers with annual plants). Linear elevated flower beds were proposed for the young growers. Nearby the entrance, a wooden kiosk was designed to host outdoor lessons.
In both areas, special attention was paid to planning for the disabled, such as the construction of special raised boxes, the choice of flooring materials and the signage (for the blind pupils).
Cultural landscape
3300 sqm